From ‘Beauty Its Beauty’ to ‘Sharing the Beauty’:
Cultural Share in the Context of Cross-Culture
08:30 - 08:55 嘉宾、媒体签到 Registration

09:00 全体大会 Plenary Session,英东学术会堂演讲厅 Lecture Hall, Yingdong Academic Hall,主持人宣布研讨会开幕 Opening Ceremony
Host: FU Hongxing, the Executive Dean of 中国文化国际传播研究院
09:05 - 09:15 校领导致辞 Presidential Address,黄会林院长致辞 Dean Address
主旨演讲 Keynote Speaker

09:30 - 09:50 黄会林:
HUANG Huilin
Through A Mirror: Multiculture and Chinese Film
主讲 Speakers
09:55 - 10:15 苏 浩:
SU Hao
History Spiraling Cycle and Future Civilization Politic

10:20 - 10:40 焦雄屏:
Globalization: Cultural Change from the Changes of Globalization Economic Structures

10:45 - 11:05 克里斯多夫·赛克斯(英):
Christopher SYKES (UK)
The Historic Opportunity for East-West Cultural Integration

11:10 - 11:30 娄晓琪:
《看文明 知中国 走世界 ——〈文明〉杂志探索
LOU Xiaoqi
Looking into Civilization, Awareness of China, Go Around World-- Civilization Magazine Exploring Chinese Dream And Culture Realization

11:35 - 11:55 成中英:
Chung-ying CHENG
Original Beauty and Original Goodness: Mutual Interpretation and Super-Blend of Differences

13:30 - 13:50 张维为:
ZHANG Weiwei
China’s Political System from the Perspective of Chinese Culture

13:55 - 14:15 于 丹:
YU Dan
The Contemporary Application of Chinese Traditional Culture Values
14:30 - 15:40 分论坛讨论 Seminars

Initialization and Innovation of Chinese Culture
主持人:赵葆华 Chair: ZHAO Baohua


Absorption and Integration of World Civilization
主持人:陈犀禾 Chair: CHEN Xihe

15:50 - 16:50 多人对话 Panel Discussion
主演讲厅 Lecture Hall, Yingdong Academic Hall
主持人:傅红星 Moderator: FU Hongxing
对话嘉宾(拼音排序):Christopher Sykes、胡智锋、贾磊磊、于丹、仲呈祥
Invited Speakers: Christopher Sykes, HU Zhifeng , JIA Leilei, YU Dan, ZHONG Chengxiang

17:00 会林基金成立仪式 Launching Ceremony of Huilin Foundation
主演讲厅 Lecture Hall, Yingdong Academic Hall
17:00 - 17:00 傅红星院长介绍会林基金
FU Hongxing, Introduction of Huilin Foundation
17:10 - 17:15 黄会林院长致辞
Dean.HUANG Huilin Address
17:15 - 17:25 校领导致辞 Presidential Address
17:25 - 17:30 全体嘉宾合影留念 Group Photo