Call for Application, Looking China 2014
- First time to China, ESSENTIAL
- Capability of shooting, editing and producing short video, ESSENTIAL
- Respect to Chinese culture, ESSENTIAL
- English of working proficiency ESSENTIAL
- Senior students in Film Studies or relevant majors preferred
- Candidates with basic shooting facilities preferred
- Produce a 10 minutes video with Chinese subtitles about culture in the destination city
Time and Destination Cities
- Chengdu, 2 vacancies, July 25th to August 9th, 16 days,
- Beijing, 10 vacancies, July 7th to 23rd, 17 days
- Tianjin, FULL
- Suzhou, 10 vacancies, June 25th to July 11th, 16 days
Project Plan
- Day 1, Arrival
- Day 2, Opening, and Pairing with Local Partner
- Day 3, Cultural Check
- Day 4, Topic Decided, and test shooting
- Day 5 - 9, Shooting
- Day 10 - 14, Post Production
- Day 15, Modification, and Final Screening
- Day 16, Departure
LOOKING CHINA 2014 Provides every participant
- Round trip flight to the destination cities, economy class
- Accommodation in university dormitory
- One-day tour for cultural check in destination city
- Local volunteering partner, acting as interpreter and assistant producer
- Daily expenses for food and shooting during project, averagely between 100 and 200 RMB per day
- Prepaid mobilephone chip with number and 100 RMB charged, which would be enough for local communication
- A project T-shirt
Deadline of application
- June 2rd, 2014
Application Materials: send to aiccc@bnu.edu.cn
- Please download application form
- Shooting proposal in the destination city
- Resume
(Please make sure you have ALL the above three files in WORD or PDF)
感谢每位关注、报名的同学!以下是今年中方营员名单:Chinese local partners has been announced, more is coming...
陈政君 人民大学2012级 社会学系
王艺瑾 2011级 汉语言文学系
严小农 2012级 汉语言文学系
雷雷 2011级 影视系
吴玥 2011级 影视系
邵宗艺 2012级 数字媒体艺术系
王一帆 2012级 影视系
邹思 2012级 影视系
刘璐 2012级 影视系
邓驰旻 2012级 影视系
关惠元 2012级 影视系
梅茹瑜 2011级 汉语言文学系
李慧研 2011级 影视系
张晓丽 2011级 影视系
桂洲 2011级 英语系
唐赫男 2012级 数字媒体艺术系
安仁翊 2011级影视系
张琳 2011级影视系
程书宇 2011级数字媒体艺术系
宗晨 2012级 数字媒体艺术系