Academy for International Communication of Chinese Culture, Beijing Normal University, invites scholars from a variety of backgrounds (sinology, cultural studies, sociology, international relations, arts, communication, demography, geography, musicology, film studies, anthropology et.) to propose sessions and papers for the
Conference on International Communication of Chinese Culture: Discourse System and Cultural Image
(Deadline extended to 15th May 2014)
(click for Chinese version, or to download PDF)
Conference Dates,
28th – 29th November 2014
Conference Venue:
Jingshi Hotel, Beijing Normal University, 19 Xinjiekou Wai Street, Beijing, China 100875
Conference Language:
English & Chinese
Conference Organizer:
AICCC, Beijing Normal University
Keynote speaker:
Professor Huang Huilin, Dean of AICCC, BNU
more speakers still to be announced
Conference Theme:
In the time of reform and adjustment, cultural exchange and communication play an increasingly significant role in the competition among countries and hence the urgency of improving international communication and cultural strength. It is a challenge for people who work in the area of international communication to demonstrate a China that is fast-developing and diversified in culture for the richness and intricacy of culture are embodied in different regions, different nationalities, different layers and different historical periods. China is not a global power in the sense of cultural communication, but a global power as cultural resources. To research the history, current situation and problems of international communication of Chinese culture in the context of globalization, to reflect on the cultural conflict and cultural imperialism for a multicultural approach to the world development with mutual respect and understanding, and to have a better understanding of the features of diversified Chinese culture, this conference will provide ample resources for rethinking the cross-cultural communication practice of Chinese mass media. The conference also aims to help with the dialogue and cooperation between scholars around the world.
To promote the international communication of Chinese culture, AICCC has successfully organized three annual international conferences since its establishment in 2011. With the rich experience and latest research on international communication of Chinese culture from the conferences, AICCC has become an important platform for the researches on cross-cultural studies about sharing Chinese culture globally.
We wish to see a happy feast of new thoughts and ideas on the building of Chinese cultural image from respected scholars and students, theorists and practitioners from domestic and abroad, under the topics, but not limited to:
1. Image-building: the interactive process of cultural communication
2. Image-interpretation: the value orientation in cultural innovation
l The deadline for the Call for Sessions and Paper Abstracts is:
30th April 2014
l Information for notification of acceptance of abstracts:
31st May 2014
l The deadline for final registration for the conference:
31st July 2014
l The deadline for full paper submissions:
31st September 2014
Publishing Opportunity
After peer review, the papers in English will be published in three issues of International Communication of Chinese Culture (ISSN: 2197-4233 (print version), ISSN: 2197-4241 (electronic version)), 2015.
Please email submissions to
Registration Fees: ¥1,200 or $198
Note: Participants will cover all their personal costs, including transportation, accommodation, visas, etc. Our staff can provide you with an invitation letter for embassies if necessary. For detailed information see conference website or contact us at the e-mail: